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Saturday, November 18, 2006
Stay classy, Dartmouth assistants
The visiting coaches' box is attached to the press box, where I and all the other members of the media are sitting right now. It's enclosed in glass, which means everything going on inside can be seen and--more importantly--it is poorly sound-proofed. This makes for some enjoyable scenes. On the Princeton drive preceding Dartmouth's most recent scoring drive, a questionable no-fumble call went Princeton's way. The Dartmouth assistants started shouting curse words I didn't even know existed. The press box is packed today with the families of alumni, who are the special guests of the Athletic Department, since today is Alumni Giving Day. There are children walking around, and they are probably crying now following the latest display by the Dartmouth assistants. After a particularly colorful remark about the excrement of a male cow, one of the guys from the coaches' box looked over and realized that there were women and children staring at him in shock. He looked a little guilty, but mostly just enraged.
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